Jenny Springtail was going through some old pictures, diary entries and the like when she found this image. Immediately she was taken back to a beautiful spring day a couple of years ago. There he was, Hal Swampwater, the most poetic frog she ever knew.
That spring her mother had been after her to, “Find a nice young rabbit. Start a family. Get a job.” Jenny would have none of it, for it was a glorious spring that year. The kind where all the blooms seem to happen at once and the sun never stops shining and all the breezes are mild. In Jenny’s mind, that kind of weather would be wasted on family-starting or job-hunting. Instead, every morning she and Hal hopped down to the Hidden Fish Pond. There they would twist flowers into wreaths and necklaces and talk about REAL things like love, hopes, and dreams.
Jenny didn’t know it then but Hal had fallen head over heels in love with her. His heart nearly broke in half when she married Ted – a large buck rabbit – in September. Looking back, Jenny could see that Hal loved her. But it was too late now.
Jenny sighed, put away her old diary and drawings and looked out the window. If only she could have one more spring like that.
hey mom I liked the stories and all that stuff love camille
Jenny seems like such a free spirit with the sensibility of a true hippie, wasn’t she living in a van traveling the (mid) mid-west spreading love, peace and putting flowers in muskets? What made her settle for Ted? It’s not that easy to shift philosophical gears. Who is the real Jenny?
I think Jenny might have settled for tradition rather than being brave enough to follow her dreams. I wonder if it’s too late or if Jenny will figure out a way to let her “inner hippie” come out in her traditional bunny life. 😀